Thursday, January 13, 2011

Best Performance in a Motion Picture - Drama Actress

Not a strong category, but some actress surprised us and some were new. I didn't see Blue Valentine and only a really, bad copy of Frankie and Alice

Best Performance in Motion Picture - Drama Actress Nominees

Who Will Win: Natalie Portman. This was the role of her career! I never thought she was anything special, but she was down right creepy and sexy at the same time in this role. Hopefully people are ignoring her new movie with Aston Kutcher, otherwise she may have an Eddie Murphy/Dreamgirls fiasco on her hands. (Runner Up: Jennifer Lawrence)

Who I Think Should Win: Nicole Kidman. I have never been a fan of hers either, but as the coping mother in Rabbit Hole, she was amazing. Not too many people saw it, and that's disappointing, but she gave an amazing performance. (Runner Up: Halle Berry)

Who Should Be Here: Hailee Steinfeld from True Grit. What an amazing job for a 16 year in her movie debut. She plays a tough ass girl looking for revenge for he father's murder. Very similar to Jennifer Lawrence, which may be why she was overlooked for the role, but I would have LOVED to have seen these two young actresses go head to head.

Who Shouldn't Be Here: Michelle Williams. Not enough people saw this film (like me) and it went through a lot of controversy, but the other actresses have given such strong performances that they should be recognized.

Longshot: Halle Berry. No one has seen this movie and it should be seen. Halle is a schizophrenic go-go dancer who has a southern white woman as her alter-ego. It's pretty messed up and if anyone sees this, they'll forget all the horrible stuff she has made.

Best Performance in a Motion Picture - Drama Actor

Tough category, but there are definitely some leaders (and not-so leaders) on this list.

Best Performance in a Motion Picture - Drama Actor nominees

Who Will Win: Colin Firth. He was incredible as King George and I never once pictured him from other roles. It's damn hard to speak with a speech impediment without sounding offensive. He deserves this award! (Runner Up: James Franco).

Who I Think Should Win: James Franco. Yes, Colin Firth was amazing, but Franco made me cringe and cower when he was cutting off his own arm. (Runner Up: Colin Firth)

Who Should Be Here: Aaron Eckhart in Rabbit Hole. This was one of the SADDEST movies I have ever seen, and he definitely should have been nominated for his timing and chemistry with Nicole Kidman. (Runner Up: John Hawkes in Winter's Bone)

Who Shouldn't Be Here: Jessie Eisenberg. Yes, he played the dorky, naive kind of ass-hole, but he plays that in every film I have ever seen him in. He's like serious a Michael Cera.

Longshot: Mark Whalberg. He's probably the one guy from MA who can do a decent Boston accent. Plus he can take a punch and is apparently TOO SEXY that he needed a body double for this film. The supporting roles definitely outshone his lead, but he was still wicked good.

Best Motion Picture: Musical or Comedy

First off, this category sucks. Not that there weren't a lot of nominees, but the choices here are very limited, as you will read. I didn't see The Tourist, but then again, who did? (If you did you did, I heard it was AWFUL!)

Best Motion Picture: Musical or Comedy
Alice in Wonderland
The Kids are All Right
The Tourist

Who Will Win: The Kids are All Right. This movie was spot on for everything. At times it did feel a bit drawn out, but the way they portrayed the relationship between Annette Benning and Julianne Moore and their kids was at times overwhelming and also a little happy. I liked how it viewed a new-age modern family. (Runner Up: Nothing!)

Who I Think Should Win: The Kids are All Right. It was a just a great movie compared to the others on this list. (Runner Up: Burlesque)

Who Should Be Here: Toy Story 3. Both Toy Story and Toy Story 2 were nominated in this category, and Toy Story 2 even won! It was one of THE best movies of the year. The movie had everything and was def geared more towards those who had watched the first two when they came out then for those newer viewers.

Who Shouldn't Be Here: The Tourist. The only reason this movie is here is because of the stars. Oh wait...Johnny Depp was all ready nominated. So....yeah no idea. Plus the movie is an action/romance/ still no idea why it is here. Unless it's one of those so bad, it's no so bad films.

Longshot: Burlesque. People seemed to really not like this movie, but I thought it was really good. The dancing was on spot. And plus the acting scenes between Cher and Stanley Tucci were both catty and sad at the same time. I also keep forgetting that Kristen Bell is an awesome actress. And for an acting debut, Xtina was LEAGUES ahead of anyone else who tried their hand at acting from being a singer. (Runner Up: Alice In Wonderland)

My Golden Globe Predictions - Best Picture Drama

So I am the kinda dork who tried to watch all the nominated movies. I used to get tired of people saying "blah blah blah" should have won and "blah blah blah" sucks. So I have seen about 80% of the films in the major categories. I will list who will (probably) win, who I want to win, who was snubbed, who was lucky to be nominated and the long shot.

Best Motion Picture: Drama Nominees
Black Swan
The Fighter
The King's Speech
Social Network

Who Will Win: The Social Network. Everyone has been raving about this movie. I admit it was really good and I liked that I knew everything that was going on in the movie. But honestly, I think this film is riding on "The Hurt Locker"'s coattails, where American cinema is recognizing current generation films. (Runner Up: King's Speech)

Who I Think Should Win: The King's Speech. I am not a big fan of period pieces, and I guess this could be considered modern-period, but this movie was spectacular. There were happy moments where I had to smile along with the movie. Funny, actual laugh out loud moments. There was sad moments that almost made me cry. And there were heroic moments where when a person overcame their obstacle, I felt like applauding. Definitely worth checking out. (Runner Up: Black Swan)

Who Should Be Here: True Grit. The Coen brothers did an AMAZING job with this movie. Westerns are always great movies. I have no idea why this was not nominated. (Runner Up: The Town)

Who Shouldn't Be Here: Inception. Yeah, it was one of the coolest movies I have EVER seen (I love movies with a twist ending), but the acting in the movie was only halfway decent. In a year where there weren't two many awesome action/adventure/mystery movies, this was a great film. But this is definitely the year for non-blockbusters. That's for 2012.

Longshot: Black Swan. A lot of people saw this movie and a lot of people loved it. The story was dark and twisted and the acting was superb...except for Mila Kunis. Yes she can act, but she sounds like Jackie from That 70's Show in everything she does...she's kind of like the Fran Drescher of the 00's. (LOL) (Runner Up: The Fighter).