So I spotted this on my friend's blog: ( and I thought this might be fun. I am random and sporadic on this whole blogging this may be an incentive. The topic says "10 Days" doesn't say anything about 'consecutive days'. :)
Ten secrets, in no particular order:
1.) I have never had sex with a girl. I am from the generation where a person didn't have to prove they were straight by having sex with girls. I told people I had sex with girls, but the big secret is, though I have made out with many a girl, I have only ever touched 1 she-nipple. Just one...for my 19th New Orleans. So not sure if that even counts. But this leads to...
2.) I flunked out of my first college. I went to an above-average high-school. It was a stellar arts school and a 'womp-womp' academic school. So I went to college in New Orleans for my first semester. I didn't know what the hell I was doing but I worked my ass off the first half of the semester and still managed to fail half my mid-terms. So I decided I would spend the second half socializing and trying to make a name for myself and try again the next semester...who knew that getting F's in all your classes meant you'd be kicked out...
3.) I am kind of ashamed of being gay. I know it's not really a big of deal anymore, but being gay is pretty tough. I am not a typical gay guy, but I do have some things that make me fit the stereotype. But I still would rather that I have the choice to tell people then having it be announced to world. Would I want to be straight? HELL NO! Being gay is actually a LOT of fun!.
4.) I talk to myself. Sometime you just need to talk outloud to get your thoughts in order. I'll sometimes walk around and pretend I am on the phone so I can talk to myself and not look crazy.
5.) I don't see clutter. I somehow have blinders on that unless I am looking directly at a mess, I don't see the mess. I need a maid.
6.) I hate doing laundry! It is the worst chore to do in the world. I am currently on doing laundry once a month...if I am lucky. I hate having to wait around for it to switch it over to dry it. I need a maid for this also.
7.) I still know EVERYTHING about Sailor Moon. I was obsessed with this show when I was 12-27. I am 27 now. I read the comics, watch the cartoons, listen to the soundtracks, hang out the wikipedia pages, look for stuff on's still a great show!
8.) I have secretly grabbed a sorta-celebrity's butt a few times. A certain local sports figure has done events around the area and every time I have been at one he's been at I have managed to discreetly grab his ass.
9.) I dated someone on Survivor He's now married and has kids so I can't say anything. But I was dating him when he was on the show so it was kind of awkward but wicked hot at the same time.
10.) I love pulling pranks. Ever notice when something wasn't where you left it? Or a picture is crooked? Or when the bottles in the bathroom are reorganized in a random location? That's usually me.